Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Questions for Lillie

The day after Lillie's birthday, she got to celebrate her birthday with her friends from school again.  This picture was taken when they were singing "Happy Birthday."  Again this year, I asked Lillie questions.  Here are her answers:

Favorite color: pink, purple and light blue
Favorite thing to eat: ice cream, candy
Favorite thing to do: play my Nintendo DS
Favorite place to go: Bounceland
Where do you want to go someday: Air Zoo
Favorite toy: Nintendo DS
What do you want to be when you grow up: a nurse
Who is your best friend: Rylee and Dylan
Favorite stuffed animal: Sherman the pet alligator
Favorite animal: giraffes
Favorite song: the ones she makes up…I love you, I love you, I love you, I love you.
Favorite thing to wear: Dresses
What part of school do you like the best: Free play
Favorite book: Molly, American girl
Favorite show to watch: Peppa Pig
Favorite thing to do with Daddy: Go fishing
Favorite thing to do with Mommy: Driving to CCD

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