Monday, June 10, 2013

Sophie's trip to the zoo, Reading and Perfect

On Tuesday, I took Sophie to the zoo for one last special day with me, before Lillie gets out of school. She was a little afraid of the giraffe's long tongue when she fed them. But she fed them by herself.

We ran into her friend, Aslynn from playgroup, and they rode the train and petted the goats.

On Friday, Sophie and I were playing the scrabble game and identifying letters. We found the letters in her name and she put them in the correct order. I also spelled out "cat" and she read it without any help.

Saturday, at Lillie's Dance recital I took Sophie to the restroom.  We were looking for a stall, because if she doesn't get to pick, she makes it harder to get her to go. I asked her, "how about this one?" She replied, "perfect, just like me."

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