Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Lillie

Lillie celebrated her birthday on Saturday.  The night before we covered her doorway with plastic and put balloons between the door and plastic.  When she opened the door in the morning...she was showered with balloons.
She opened presents from her family.
Then Lillie had her birthday party at where she takes Gymnastics. She invited her friends and Sophie to the party.  Sophie had a great time participating with the kids too.
One of Lillie's favorite parts was the Pinata. Friends below: Lillie, Mara, Charlotte, Katie, Sophie behind pinata, Grace, Madi, Natalie, Gavin, Libby, Natalie and Grace's sister, and CiCi.
Lillie blowing out candles. She said that it was one of her best days. Happy Birthday Lillie!

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