Sunday, February 26, 2012

Questions for Sophie

Another cute picture of Sophie.
Sophie is only 2 years old, but here are favorites:
Favorite color: Purple
Favorite thing to eat: Chips
Favorite thing to do: Play in box of rice with sand toys, play ball, and color
Favorite toy: train set
Best friend: "Sissy" (Lillie)
Favorite stuffed animals: Kitty and Bah, Bah (Bunny)
Favorite animal: kitty
Favorite thing to wear: nothing, she does not like clothes
Favorite books: 5 Little Monkeys, Russell the Sheep,and book of animals
Favorite show to watch: Blue's Clues
Favorite thing to do with Daddy: Play ball
Favorite thing to do with Mommy: Make cookies

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Happy Birthday Sophie!

Sophie had a great birthday today.  She quickly opened the presents.  Thank you to everyone for the great gifts.  She loves them.
 This is Sophie with her lamb for her birthday photo. 

Sophie's Birthday cake, that Beth decorated.  It is " Blue's Clues," her favorite TV show.
 Singing "Happy Birthday" to Sophie.
 Sophie with cake.  She didn't want to blow out the candles.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Flips and naps

Lillie's favorite thing to do at gymnastics is to practice back flips.  In the picture below, Lillie is on the cylindar mat to practice the back flips.
This week, We signed Lillie up for a day camp this summer.  When I was filling out the paperwork, I asked her what she wanted the camp conselors to know about her.  Her response, "That my name is Lillie and I am very smart." 
She came down with a cold this week and learned how to blow her nose.

Sophie started taking naps in Lillie's bed this week and she falls asleep in just a few minutes. 
Sophie is learning new words everyday and she learning to count.
Me: 1, 2
Sophie: 3
Me: 4
Sophie: 5
Me: 6, 7
Sophie: 8
Me: 9
Sophie: 10

Sophie is starting to say short sentences such as: "I want Dad." "I don't want to." "no, Purple," "Where's Sissy?" "I got it" and  "Kick it"

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day

Friday, we were invited to Valentine's Day Party at a friend's house. We took heart shaped cheese and crackers to share at snack time.
And we took these homemade Valentines to give to our friends. I saw this idea on You can see how we made them at the following blog:
Tomorrow, Lillie has her Valentine's Party at school and she is taking more of her homemade valentines. A few weeks ago, I went to a Mom's night out with our playgroup moms. We painted our own pottery. This is the finish candy dish that I made.