Saturday, December 10, 2011

Visit from Grandma and Grandpa

Grandpa and Grandma came to visit last week. We went to the Air Zoo. An indoor Air and Space museum with lots of airplanes and space items. It even has small rides and simulators. Lillie was tall enough to ride some of the rides by herself and Brian went upside down in the flight simulators.
On Wednesday, Lillie had a snow day from school. Grandpa and Lillie made a snowman and went sledding. They also went to the wassaling with us on Thursday. (see previous post) On Friday, we went to the MSU Dairy farm where the cows are milked by robots. We also went to the MSU bird sanctuary to feed the birds. Some of the swans ate from our hands.

Saturday, we went a restaurant with a bull ride. Grandpa didn't want to ride, but Lillie went for a short ride. It just spun around slowly.

Lillie and Sophie got to open a few Christmas gifts from Grandma and Grandpa too.

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