Thursday, December 29, 2011

Merry Christmas

Lillie and Sophie on Christmas eve in their new jammies.

This year we added a new Christmas tradition. Jack, our elf on the shelf, came to watch over Lillie and Sophie. Every night, he would fly back to the north pole to report to Santa if they were good or bad that day. Each Morning, Jack would appear in a new location. This morning he was having a tea party with Snuggles and Cuddles. Other mornings, we found him fishing for goldfish crackers in the toilet, zip lining into the living room, turning the milk green, or finding Christmas movies to watch or books to read. On Christmas eve, Jack caught a ride back to the north pole on Santa's sleigh. We won't see him until the next Christmas season.

Lillie and her classmates sang a few songs to the parents at the end of their Christmas party.

And then there is Sophie. She is only 22 months old, but in her short life has dealt with acid reflux, ear infections, and strep throat infections. Three days before Christmas she had her tonsils and adenoids removed. She has had a cold for the past 3 weeks, but the Doctors were not overly worried. But as a result of the anesthesia with the cold, she developed strider which is like croup. She had to stay in the hospital overnight and have 3 breathing treatments. She is doing better now. She is really fussy and she gets to watch a lot of "Blue's Clues," her favorite TV program. During this episode of Blue's Clues, Steve and the animated dog Blue were playing make believe with a box. She pushed an empty box by the front door into the living room, and crawled in it.

She is starting to say a few more words and phrases. She can even identify the letter "S" on the refrigerator.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Nativity

Tonight, Lillie was in the Church Nativity play. She was a lamb with her friend, Katie. Lillie and Katie were in the stable with Mary, Joseph and baby Jesus. The girls were captivated by the real, live baby that was being held by Mary.

Almost the entire cast is in this picture. Lillie is under the angel's wing on the left. It was a great play and we can't wait for it next year.

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Visit from Grandma and Grandpa

Grandpa and Grandma came to visit last week. We went to the Air Zoo. An indoor Air and Space museum with lots of airplanes and space items. It even has small rides and simulators. Lillie was tall enough to ride some of the rides by herself and Brian went upside down in the flight simulators.
On Wednesday, Lillie had a snow day from school. Grandpa and Lillie made a snowman and went sledding. They also went to the wassaling with us on Thursday. (see previous post) On Friday, we went to the MSU Dairy farm where the cows are milked by robots. We also went to the MSU bird sanctuary to feed the birds. Some of the swans ate from our hands.

Saturday, we went a restaurant with a bull ride. Grandpa didn't want to ride, but Lillie went for a short ride. It just spun around slowly.

Lillie and Sophie got to open a few Christmas gifts from Grandma and Grandpa too.

Wassaling 2011

Richland area businesses host a wassaling event. First, we went to visit Santa. As you can tell, Sophie was not happy, but Lillie enjoyed telling Santa their wish list. Then we went to Library to listen to the high school band and choir.

After listening to the band and choir, we went to see the real, live reindeer. They were about the size of a pony and they had really long antlers.

Beth, Sophie and Lillie by the reindeer.

Last, we went to visit Lillie's Preschool, Jack and Jill. Lillie and Sophie got to make an anteler hat, by using their hands as a pattern. Lillie is pictured with her teacher, Mrs. Hoard.