Thursday, August 4, 2011

Kalamazoo Valley Museum - better than Chuck E. Cheese's

Yesterday, Lillie Sophie and I met our playgroup at the Kalamazoo Valley Museum. It is a free Children's museum, so, you only have to pay for the parking downtown. Yesterday, they had a "hands on" event featuring Curious George. There were 10 tables set up with different craft activities. Lillie and Sophie had a great time. We were there for 3 hours. They did a lot. Here are a few pictures to show you just a few of the things that they did. They played in the "preschool" area.
Lillie played a bango.

They played in the learning area. In this photo, Lillie is linking washers attached to the magnet.

Sophie's favorite thing (see photo below) was dropping the balls in at the top of the box and watching then roll down to the bottom.

Lillie had such a great time that she said, "It was better than Chuck E. Cheese's."

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