Friday, August 27, 2010

Pretty as a butterfly

We went to the zoo yesterday and Lillie asked to have her facepainted. The zoo employee said that she sat very still for a 3 year old. Lillie liked her face painted so much, that she wanted to leave it on till today. She washed it off only because we were going swimming today.
If you also noticed, she is wearing a hoodie sweatshirt in this photo, because it was a cool 73 degrees yesterday. We were also wearing pants because it was 49 degrees when I got up yesterday.

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Sophie is 6 months old today

Sophie turned 6 months old today and I celebrated with a CHEESEburger. It was almost too much cheese. I have not had cheese (or any other dairy products) in 6 months, because of Sophie's acid reflux. I hope that it does not give her any problems and I can slowly start to add cheese back into my diet. I hope that I can have ice cream for my birthday in January. (Yes, I already have it planned out. The Chocolate Chip Cookie Sundae at Applebees or Mint chip ice cream from Baskin Robbins. This summer has been rough, since I can't have ice cream, etc.)

Sophie celebrated her 1/2 birthday with an outing to the park with her big sister, baby cereal for lunch (she still hates it), tried using a sippy cup and she is now taking a nap.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Baptism and fun in Omaha

We traveled to Omaha last week to celebrate Sophie's Baptism. We went to the zoo, did some shopping and played with family. Lillie rode a pony and Brian drove the tractor at Grandpa's. We had great weather on Tuesday and Lillie played at the slide/swing park and splash park with her cousin Brenden. She asked if he was at school today and probably wishes that she could play with him more.

Sophie's first food

Sophie got to eat solid food for the first time yesterday. She hates it. (It was different at first and she ate it, but now she is refusing to eat it.) Brian fed her 2 days before her 6 month birthday, because he went out of town today. And I didn't want Brian to miss feeding her. I fed her cereal again tonight and she does not like the taste. I will try again tomorrow and hopefully she will like it soon. Tomorrow she will be 6 months old.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

No more toothless grins - Sophie has her first tooth

Sophie had her first tooth come in yesterday. I am going to miss these toothless smiles.