Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Happy Birthday Lillie

I can't believe that this smart, funny girl is 7. On Saturday, she had a "super seventies" party including tie-dying, making pet rocks and clay jewelry. The inside of her cake was 5 different colors to look like a tie-dye cake. She had a great time with 5 of her friends that were able to come celebrate her birthday.

Saturday, March 8, 2014

Questions for Lillie

Brian and Lillie went to the Father-Daughter dance last Saturday and they had a lot of fun.  Lillie enjoyed eating at Applebee's before the dance and dancing with one of her best friend at the event. The dance was a fundraising event for the Gull Lake Community Volunteers.
Favorite color: pink and light blue
Favorite thing to eat: cheese ravioli, mashed potatoes and pineapple
Favorite thing to do: read
Favorite place to go: Air Zoo
Where do you want to go someday:
Favorite toy: Kindle Fire
What do you want to be when you grow up: a singer
Who is your best friend: Charlotte, Mara and Emily
Favorite stuffed animal: big unicorn
Favorite animal: flamingo
Favorite song: "Let it go" from the movie "Frozen"
Favorite thing to wear: tie-dyed shirt
Favorite book: Matilda
Favorite movie or show to watch: Matilda
Favorite thing to do with Daddy: play chess
Favorite thing to do with Mommy: bake cookies

Saturday, March 1, 2014

Lillie's Winter Piano Recital

Lillie had her winter piano recital on Sunday. She did a great job playing Cuckoo, Lightly Row, French Children's Song and Yankee Doodle.

Happy Birthday Sophie!

Tuesday, we celebrated Sophie's birthday after preschool with her friends. The party was at McDonald's play place and the kids loved playing on the indoor playground. Her cupcake cake was decorated with the characters from the movie "Frozen." She had a great birthday party and she is still talking about it several days later.