Sunday, October 21, 2012

Fresh Beat Band, Conferences and No Naps

Last Sunday, Lillie and I went to the Fresh Beat Band Concert in Grand Rapids.  She has wanted to see them for the past year and she had a great time at the concert.
Lillie and I waiting for the concert to start.
Thursday, we went to parent-teacher conferences.  Her teacher said "Lillie was the most advanced Kindergartner that she has ever had." The teacher is teaching them to write and draw summaries of the stories that they read.  This summary was from "If you give a moose a muffin" book.  
Lillie had Friday off, so we went to Olive Garden (Lillie's favorite place to eat) and Chuck E Cheese's for some fun.
And finally, Sophie has given up (or I have) on her naps.  However, last week she went upstairs and fell asleep with the blinds open.  She will fall asleep in the car for a few short naps throughout the week. Yes, she sleeps with a lot of stuffed animals and books.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Pumpkin Time

On Sunday, we went to Gull Meadow farms to enjoy the nice fall weather.  First, we took a wagon ride out to the pumpkin patch to pick out our pumpkins.
Lillie and Sophie each picked out a pumpkin.
Then we went to pick apples.
After, we picked apples Lillie and Sophie played on the slides, bounce pillows, and obstacle course. Lillie's favorite thing was the zip-line.
Sophie's favorite was the Apple train ride, but she would only go on it, if Lillie was with her.
We did a lot more in the three and a half hours that we were there, but these were our favorites.