Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Tulip Time in Holland, Michigan

Sunday, we made the 1.5 hour drive to Holland, Michigan to see the Tulips. We took a lot of pictures and these are a few that we took on Windmill Island.

Lillie in the tulip field.
 Sophie in the tulip field.  Sophie was racing after Lillie, but she didn't know what to do when she got to the end of the tulip row.  I told her to "pick a row. Pick one."  Sophie stopped to pick a tulip.  Oops.  I put the tulip on the ground.  It was interesting that there wasn't a sign saying "not to pick the tulips."
Here is a picture is a picture of Lillie and Sophie running down the rows of the tulips.
 After, walking through the tulips, we took a tour of the 250 year old Windmill in this photo.  The deck of the windmill is actually the 4th floor of the windmill.  It was tall and little scary to be out on the deck.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Happy Easter!

Last week, we went to Omaha to visit family and friends. 
Lillie and Sophie dyed eggs.  This was the first time that Sophie dyed eggs and she loved it.
A trip to Omaha would not be complete without a visit to the Omaha Zoo.

Taking a break in the Jungle.
Lillie was so excited to see these Gorilla skeletons and have her picture taken by them.
The baby goats in the petting zoo were just he right size for Sophie.
We took a ride on Zoo Railroad.
On Easter Sunday, We had an Easter egg hunt with our cousin, Brenden.
Before we left Omaha, Sophie got her first haircut.  Just a little trim in the back.