Sunday, July 17, 2011

Soccer Camp and Bunny Love

Lillie had soccer camp last week. She had a great time and can't wait to play again this fall. She liked learning how to play soccer and socializing with the kids. After just a few days, Brian noticed how her soccer skills had improved.

Lillie is pictured here on the last day of soccer camp, with her soccer camp shirt and soccer ball.

Sophie has fallen in love with a bunny. So much so, we had to go buy a "back up" bunny last week. She sleeps with it at nap time and at night.

Here is Sophie with both of her bunnies.

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Busy Summer

It has been almost 2 weeks since we posted an update, but we have been very busy. Two weeks ago, we went to a puppet show at the Library and the girls loved it.

We went to a baby birds event at the Kellogg Bird Sanctuary. We saw baby geese and swans. Lillie even made her own bird nest and baby bird.

Later that week, we went to the fish hatchery for a play date and we saw lots of fish, frogs and turtles.

Last week, Lillie went to Vacation Bible School for the first time. She learned about saints, sang songs and made lots of crafts like this one.

Brian and Lillie went fishing and she caught 2 fish with her Dora fishing pole. Lillie was the only one on the dock that caught a fish. She almost caught a turtle, but Dad did some fast maneuvering to avoid it. Lillie said, "she wants to go fishing everyday." I told her "you can only do that if you are retired." She responded, "But I am tired everyday." This past weekend we went to the Battle Creek Air Show and Balloon festival. We saw the Blue Angels and after the air show we rode a few rides at the carnival. We stayed for the balloon festival. But only one balloon flew, because it was too windy for the balloons to fly. We watched a night time air show featuring planes with fireworks on them. Sophie was so exhausted from the day of fun that she fell asleep during the fireworks show.

On the 4th of July, we were all in the Richland Parade. The Jack and Jill Preschool had a float advertising the school. Lillie rode on the float with some of the other kids from Jack and Jill. Sophie rode in her push car, while Beth passed out information cards and Brian passed out candy.

A few weeks ago, we had a playdate at one of the other's family's farm. Lillie got to pick eggs from the chicken coop. She can't wait to have another playdate there, so she can pick eggs again. Overall, Lillie has had a great start to her summer and we hear her say, "this is the best day ever" a lot.

Sophie has been enjoying her summer too. She picks out the can of cat food for Mitties to eat. She is funny. She has learned to say "AH" after taking a drink.

Well, we better go to bed. We have another busy day tomorrow with a visit to the park with other Jack and Jill preschool friends, a craft class at the library and possibly another event at the bird sanctuary.