Sunday, February 27, 2011

Happy Birthday Sophie

Friday night we had friends over to celebrate Sophie's Birthday. Nana was also here this week to celebrate Sophie's birthday. Sophie loved digging into her cake and opening her presents. Thank you for all of the wonderful gifts.
Sophie started to say "kie ca" a.k.a. "Kitty Cat."

Last week, we got a new bird feeder that attaches to the kitchen window. This picture is of Lillie in her butterfly headband, watching the bird eat from the new bird feeder.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Sophie LOVES her bedtime routine in Lillie's bed. She crawls to Lillie's bed for bedtime prayers and songs. This week, Brian is out of town for training and he called last night to do bedtime prayers and songs. We did this routine in the living room, but Sophie squealed and kicked when I took her to her room and skipped Lillie's bed. I took Sophie back to Lillie's bed to give Lillie a hug and then she was ok with going to her own bed.

Tonight, Sophie was playing at her activity table and Lillie came over and changed the music, by turning a page of the book. Sophie let out a squeal and flipped it back to the original position. It was like she said "I want it here." Sophie has no problem in telling us or her sister that she isn't happy with something.

On Monday, we had a great appointment with the ENT. Sophie is scheduled for ear tubes next month. The PA said that a lot of babies with acid reflux can have problems with their ears, because the acid reflux can affect their eustation tubes.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Baby Gate?

Yesterday, I caught Sophie crawling through the cat door on the baby gate. Luckily, she stopped, because she was unable to figure out how to get her knees over the bottom bar. Mitties does not know how to open the little door, but maybe Sophie will show her how.

She is really starting to explore new toys and objects and I can't believe that she will be a year old in two weeks. January went by fast because she had two ear infections, which kept us up several nights. She has had four ear infections since October and she has an ENT appointment on Monday. I really hope that he agrees to put tubes in her ears, because she has been a a happier baby this past week.

Sophie loves to take baths. When she wants to take a bath, she will crawl into the bathroom and look into the bathtub. She also loves to splash so much that it looks like I washed her hair in this photo, but I didn't that night.

Lillie learned how to zip her coat a couple of weeks ago and she can count to 60 with little help. Today, I started writing a "word of the week" on her bathroom mirror. She is eager to learn new things. Last week, Brian taught her our phone number. She has a Valentine's Day party at School next week and she is excited to write out the names of her classmates on the valentines. Well, it is time to go pick her up from school.